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Pet's Therapy Center

It is a guided Interaction between a person and a trained animal. The purpose of pet therapy is to help someone recover from or cope with a health problem or mental disorder. Is also referred to as animal-assisted therapy (AAT).

Design + Well-being (Social connectedness)


•Nowadays many student feels stress because of too many assignments

•Lack of time to release their depression

•Lack of socialize with other people


Some patients experience less anxiety during a medical procedure if they have a pet companion by their side.


•While pet therapy provides a plethora of advantages, there are a couple of risks worth noting. The first and foremost is the safety of the patients.

Patients who are allergic to pet dander may experience allergic reactions such as runny nose, watery eyes, postnasal drip, and facial pressure.

•The patient can also suffer from an injury if the trainer and animal do not have enough experience.

Function of the Animals in pet therapy


•Cats can help humans who are ill or stressed, too, by promoting relaxation and healing. Therapy cats visit nursing homes, hospitals, courthouses, and schools (some colleges organize therapy animal visits as stress-relief during exams). Therapy visits may also be referred to as animal-assisted interventions (AAI).


A friendly, confident rabbit can be a great therapy pet as they are cute and non-threatening. Many rabbits are small enough to be a good “lap size” therapy pet.


•By providing company, affection, and attention, can make the difference for someone trying to overcome a diagnosed disability.

3D View

Ground Floor - Cats

First Floor - Cafe with aquarium

Second Floor - Rabbit and Guinea pig

Presentation Board


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